Roboinfo 5 Cracks
When you look in the mirror and stick out your tongue, do you see cracks? You could be one of the 5 percent of the U.S. population who has a fissured tongue.
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A fissured tongue is a benign (noncancerous) condition. It’s recognized by one or more deep or shallow cracks — called grooves, furrows, or fissures — on the top surface of your tongue. A fissured tongue is also called:
- cracked tongue
- lingua plicata
- scrotal tongue
The symptoms of a fissured tongue are cracks on top surface of the tongue. Sometimes they extend to the tongue’s edges. The depth and size of the cracks or fissures vary. They may or may not be connected.
Debris can sometimes
Doctors don’t know why tongue cracks form. It’s believed to be hereditary. Sometimes a fissured tongue is seen alongside:
- Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
- orofacial granulomatosis
A fissured tongue has been associated with geographic tongue and psoriasis, especially pustular psoriasis.
People with a fissured tongue sometimes also have a condition known as geographic tongue. It’s also called benign migratory glossitis.
Geographic tongue is a harmless inflammatory condition that affects the tongue’s surface. Usually, the entire surface of the tongue is covered with small, pink-white bumps. But with geographic tongue, patches of those tiny bumps are missing. These patches are smooth and red, sometimes with slightly raised borders.
Geographic tongue doesn’t indicate infection or cancer. It typically doesn’t cause health problems.
Pustular psoriasis is a very uncommon form of psoriasis. It’s the most severe form. It can cover the body with a combination of painful red skin and raised bumps fill with pus.
Treatment is focused on relieving symptoms. It may include phototherapy and medication, such as:
- acitretin
If you have cracks in your tongue, you might have a fissured tongue. It’s not a health risk, but consider brushing your tongue to make sure debris doesn’t get stuck in the cracks.
If your tongue is painful or has lesions alongside tongue cracks, discuss your symptoms with your doctor. They can help you find treatment to get relief.
This article throws light upon the twelve major types of cracks in walls. The types are: 1. Horizontal Crack at the Junction of Roof Slab and Masonry Wall Support 2. Vertical Cracks at Junction of R.C.C. Column and Wall Masonry 3. Cracks Due To Chemical Reactions and Preventive Measures 4. Cracks in Foundation 5. Extension of Existing Building 6. Cracking of Compound Wall and Others.
Types of Cracks in Walls:
- Horizontal Crack at the Junction of Roof Slab and Masonry Wall Support
- Vertical Cracks at Junction of R.C.C. Column and Wall Masonry
- Cracks Due To Chemical Reactions and Preventive Measures
- Cracks in Foundation
- Extension of Existing Building
- Cracking of Compound Wall
- Horizontal Cracks in the Topmost Storey
- Cracks in External and Internal Walls of Load-Bearing Structures
- Random Cracks in All Directions Involving both External and Internal Walls
- Partition Walls in Load-Bearing Structures
- Vertical Cracks in Buildings
- Reinforced Concrete Roofs at Different Levels
Type # 1. Horizontal Crack at the Junction of Roof Slab and Masonry Wall Support:
i. Crack in load bearing wall:
Horizontal crack at the roof level of the topmost floor, below the slab, occurs due to any of these reasons:
a. The slab undergoes alternate expansion and contraction due to change in ambient temperature.
b. Inadequate protective cover against heat on the roof, and
c. Provision of large span of the slab in the room inside, causing excessive deflection and having not much vertical load above the support to resist uplift of the slab at the support and movement of the of the slab is restrained on one side.
Thermal expansion of the slab initiating cracks may cause bowing up due to thermal gradient in the slab. In such a case, the cracks will be seen from the outside, on top level of the slab; while it will be seen at the bottom level of the slab from inside.
As a preventive measure, construction of the support of the R.C.C. on the masonry wall should be as shown in detail in Figure 3.8.
Provision of L-beam with nominal reinforcement, integrated with the slab would provide rigidity against deflection.
ii. Crack in non-load bearing wall — Cladding and cross-walls of framed structure:
In case of framed structure roof slab, beams, and columns move jointly, causing diagonal cracks in walls which are generally parallel to the movement and horizontal cracks are located below the beams. Extent of movement in a framed structure is comparatively less as columns on account of their stiffness and ability to withstand bending stresses are able to resist and contain the movement to some extent.
Both in load-bearing and framed structures, provision of adequate or protective cover on the roof is very important in order to avoid cracks in walls.
Type # 2. Vertical Cracks at Junction of R.C.C. Column and Wall Masonry:
The cracks occur a few months after construction not only due to differential strain between R.C.C. and masonry because of elastic deformation, shrinkage and creep in R.C.C. column also act upon.
As a preventive measure butterfly ties may be provided at the junctions.
Type # 3. Cracks Due To Chemical Reactions and Preventive Measures:
In case of structural concrete in foundation, if sulphate content exceeds 0.2 per cent or sulphate content in ground water exceeds 300 ppm, very dense concrete should be used and either concrete mix 1: 1½: 3 or sulphate resisting Portland cement/super sulphate cement or a combination of the two methods depending upon the sulphate content of the soil should be adopted.
Similarly, in case of mortar for masonry, the mix (1 ½: 4 ½: ¼: 3- cement, lime and sand) need Do used, or special cement as mentioned or a combination of the two methods should be adopted.

Gypsum plaster contains sulphate and chemically reacts with Portland cement in presence of moisture. Gypsum plaster should, therefore, never be used with cement. It should not be used in locations where the wall is likely to be in contact with moisture. Gypsum plaster is not suited for external work which is liable to get wet.
Type # 4. Cracks in Foundation:
Plinth protection around the building helps in preventing seepage of rain and surface water into the foundation; possibility of settlement cracks may thus be avoided.
Type # 5. Extension of Existing Building:
When extension of existing building is desired, new construction should not be bonded with the old. Two parts should be separated by a step or expansion joint right from the foundation to top.
Care should be taken while excavating below the foundation of existing building. When the existing structure is 20 – 25 m long, the old and the new work should be separated by an expansion joint with a gap of about 25 to 40 mm to allow room for unhindered expansion of the two portions.
In case of extension of framed structure, twin columns should be provided with combined footing. Combined footing shall be provided during original construction.
Type # 6. Cracking of Compound Wall:
Plants take root and begin to grow in fissures of walls. When soil under the foundation of a building happens to be shrinkable clay, cracking in walls and floors of the building may occur. This happens due to dehydrating action of growing roots on the soil which may shrink and cause foundation settlement or due to upward thrust on portion of the building.
When old trees are cut off the soil that has been dehydrated by roots, swell up getting moisture from some source, such as rain. This may cause crack in the foundation. The cracks are wider at top and narrower downward. The cracks pass through DPC and extend up to foundation.
Type # 7. Horizontal Cracks in the Topmost Storey:
Horizontal cracks in the topmost storey of building at corner cause upliftment of the slab corners due to deflection of the slab in both directions. As a preventive measure, proper corner reinforcement in two layers should be provided to resist lifting of the corners.
Type # 8. Cracks in External and Internal Walls of Load-Bearing Structures:
i. Vertical cracks in walls built with concrete blocks or sand lime bricks. Cracks generally occur at weak sections, i.e., at midpoints or at regular intervals in long stretches. The cracks may be straight or toothed.
ii. Vertical cracks at the junctions of an old portion of building and new extension. The cracks should be repaired by filling with weak mortar when they are dormant or by providing a vertical groove in the plaster at the junction.
iii. Horizontal cracks in mortar joints appearing two to three years after construction. These are generally due to sulphate attack.
iv. Ripping cracks occurring at the ceiling level in cross walls as shown in Fig. 3.9. The cracks are due to relative movement between R.C.C. roof slab and cross wall. Movement of R.C.C. roof slab is caused due to thermal expansion and contraction because of inadequate thermal insulation or protective cover on the roof slab.
v. Diagonal cracks accompanied by outward tilting of external walls. Internal walls undergo random cracking and floors crack up and become uneven. The cracks develop due to moisture movement of shrinkable soil such as black cotton soil, when the foundation is shallow.
vi. Diagonal cracks over R.C.C. lintels spanning large openings. The cracks are due to drying shrinkage of concrete.
The cracks could be avoided by using low-shrink- able and low slump concrete.
Type # 9. Random Cracks in All Directions Involving both External and Internal Walls:
These cracks are generally formed either due to foundation settlement or sulphate action in the foundation concrete and masonry in foundation and plinth. The cracks may be thin, medium or wide.

Type # 10. Partition Walls in Load-Bearing Structures:
i. Partition walls supported on R.C.C. slab or beam. Cracks may occur due to excessive deflection of support. As a preventive measure horizontal expansion joint 10 mm on top of the wall need be provided.
ii. Partition walls built of concrete blocks or sand lime bricks.
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The cracks generally occur due to drying shrinkage of masonry units.
If the masonry is built with concrete blocks, the concrete blocks should be of dense and light weight concrete. In case of bricks, those should be well-burnt. Strong mortars should not be used in joining and plastering.
Partition walls in R.C.C. framed structures.
Horizontal cracks in panel-walls of R.C.C. framed structures occur, if the panels are built too tightly between the beams of the frame.
Type # 11. Vertical Cracks in Buildings:
Vertical cracks in a building may occur due to non- provision of expansion joint as per IS 3414-1968 where differential settlements are likely to occur as a result of unequal ground pressure and cracks would occur at the junction of change of ground pressure.
Planning — Proper orientation, shade, insulation treatment on roof should be made.
Expansion joint should be provided whenever there is change as per IS Code at every possible change of shape and height of structure to avoid vertical separation crack. Adequate temperature reinforcement should be provided as per IS 456-1978. Free movement of roof slab should be allowed.
Type # 12. Reinforced Concrete Roofs at Different Levels:
Cracks are likely to occur in walls, where long roofs at different levels are placed, due to expansion of each slab in opposite directions.
To prevent such cracks, the wall should be anchored with the lower slab by providing suitable reinforcement while the upper slab should be kept absolutely free as shown in the Figure 3.18.
Roboinfo 5 Cracks Video
1. Coping
Roboinfo 5 Cracks In Spanish
2. Brick Masonry Sand Cement Plastered 230 mm th.
3. 12 mm th. gap filled with Bitumen Filler
4. Lime Terracing
5. Bituminous Coat
6. Reinforcement
7. 100 mm th. R.C.C.
8. 100 mm th. Lime Terracing
9. Upper Roof Slab
Basshunter all i ever wanted acapella hymns. 10. Lower Roof Slab
11. Two Layers of Kraft Paper over smooth Plaster.