Mauser Rifle Serial Number Lookup
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Mauser Rifle Serial Number Lookup Average ratng: 5,6/10 8023 votes
Model 1893 Mauser rifles and Model 1895 crbines were imported into Spain from Germany and Belgium during the 1890's. My Business - Foreign Mauser Serial Numbers Spanish Mauser Website Serial Number Pages.
Same deal. Post your serial numbers here or e-mail me privately. I am starting this out using serial numbers from a study published in the August, 1997 KCN (KCN Database). In addition to the KCN study, I have included serial numbers from my collection as well as serial numbers I have observed. If you know details like import marked or not, type of metal finish, Kriegsmodell or not, French features or not, or anything unusual, please include this information and I will post it also. Concerning the numbers listed, unless a rifle is noted as 'French' it is thought to have no French features (i.e. thought to be a German WWII production rifle). Obviously, studies like this are limited by the knowledge and experience of the individuals collecting and submitting the information. Still, I believe it is worthwhile and believe that it will help explain more about late Mauser Oberndorf production.
**(2/14/06) I am expanding this study to include Mauser Oberndorf assembled rifles from 1944. As with the 1945 dated rifles, I'm starting this using the serial numbers from the August, 1997 KCN. Notice that many more serial numbers are listed in the no letter block category. I am suspicious that this is due to individuals submitting their serial numbers who did not have an appreciation for the use of letter blocks. For similar reasons I am suspicious of the 'i' and 'l' block rifles listed. I have included the 'o' block and 'r' block rifles from that study;however, understand that their existence is controversial. It is possible that these rifles had letter suffixes which were poorly struck and mistaken to be 'o' and 'r'. **
byf44/ar44 serial numbers:
first series no suffix 'hand stamp' block
second series no suffix 'hand stamp' block
45 (ar44) NIM, matching, #ed E/WaA135 stock marked '2 28 44' under gqm 43 CBP, #ed SUB/SLB, #ed STGWLS/SFP, FN bolt, 'i' marked cleaning rod
115 (ar44) RC
285 (ar44) receiver only
602 (ar44) matching, blued, E/WaA135 white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, '602' #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, 44N123 bbl code, #ed SUB/SLB, no# ejector box
669 (ar44)
4067 (ar44) NIM, matching, blued, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, gqm 43 CBP, #ed (lengthwise) byf 135 SFP, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed SUB/SLB
4358 (ar44)
5270 (ar44)
7342 (ar44) RC, GunBroker
7453 (ar44) RC
7668 (byf 44) NIM, m/m bolt, white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, STG, #ed (lengthwise) '7668' byf SFP, late type stock lug
9552 (ar44) NIM, matching metal, m/m stock/bands, '44D893' barrel ring markings
9881 (ar44)
10022 (ar44) humped/renumbered bolt
12601 byf 44 NIM, matching, lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 SFP #ed lengthwise '12601'
no suffix regular production block
15 heavily sporterized
159 NIM, matching
961 NIM, GunBroker, blued, matching bolt body, SpSt, #ed MTG, e/135 #ed MFP, #ed matching rear sight leaf, slider, ejector box, safety, bolt sleeve;missing bands, foreend, and HG.
1942 NIM, GunBroker, blued, matching metal, m/m replacement stock w/unnumbered bands, #ed STGWLS (4 digits), #ed SFP (2 digits perpendicular to bore)
5743 NIM NIM, matching e/140 bolt (mismatched safety though). Matching SUB/MLB. Matching STG/SFP. Milled and unmarked band spring and follower. Barrel code=43 R2 31 with single E/135. Mismatched stock.
7579 NIM, GunBroker, SpSt, complete mismatch, blued
7978 NIM, matching, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, gqm 44 BP, SFP, STG, #ed SUB/MLB
10726 RC
12453 Import marked, GunBroker
13171 RC, Empire
14045 RC, Empire
14531 NIM, GunBroker, matching except no# byf STG/SFP, blued, walnut non-Km, #ed SMUB, #ed MLB
18972 NIM, GunBroker, matching except bolt, #ed white glue lam. non-Km, #ed red glue lam. HG, #ed SUB/MLB, 135 135 STGWLS #ed '8972', 135 SFP #ed '72'
20032 NIM, AA, described as matching except bolt, #ed SUB/MLB, #ed STGWLS
24592 Mismatched bolt and stock
23584 NIM, lam. non-Km, 44 D 94 W barrel ring markings, gqm 44 buttplate
26523 NIM, GunBroker, renumbered bolt, renumbered triggerguard, mismatched stock
27552 NIM, matching, walnut non-Km, E/135 '27552' MTGWLS, '27552' MFP, '7552' SUB, '52' SLB
29097 RC, GunBroker
29575 Empire, Walnut WaA135 stock, STG/SFP/SUB/SLB/CBP
29933 AuctionArms, polished/reblued, complete mismatch
30531 stripped receiver, blued
32463 GunBroker, m/m stock, m/m bolt, m/m bands
32849 RC, GunBroker, CAI import, Russian X, defaced firing proofs, importer added suffix to serial number on receiver (U or V?)
33827 GunBroker, NIM, matching, blued, walnut E/WaA135 non-Km, 135 135 3827 STG, 135 27 SFP (#ed perpendicular), 3827 SMUB, 27 SLB
34342 GunBroker, m/m bolt, m/m stock
34653 NIM, m/m bolt, m/m TG/FP, standard #ed walnut stock, '4653' SUB/'53' SLB
37012 RC, Empire, ex-High Turret sniper
37669 NIM, Collectors Firearms, matching, walnut non-Km, STG, SUB/SLB
38041 NIM, GunBroker, barreled receiver with matching numbered rear sight assembly, sear, and bolt stop, blued
40755 NIM, matching, blued, #ed white glue lam. non-Km, 0755 STG/55 SFP, 0755 SUB/55 SLB
42308 RC, GunBroker
42524 GunBroker, Century import, mismatched
44186 RC, GunBroker
49459 blued, walnut stock
5331a NIM, matching metal
7262a RC, GunBroker, '43R255' barrel ring marking visible
9999a GunBroker, described as 'mismatched'
12546a RC, IO import
14215a NIM, matching, blued, #ed E/135 white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SMUB/MLB, E/135 E/135 #ed STG, E/135 '15' SFP, #ed rear sight parts, unmarked milled follower, #ed bolt stop
14990a GunBroker, missing bolt
20199a NIM, m/m stock, collector renumbered bolt
24720a NIM,GunBroker,blued,lam.non-Km,matching bolt/rear sight/STG/SFP/MLB,m/m upper band
25841a RC, GunBroker
35325a RC, Mitchell's renumbered, GunBroker
38071a French postwar renumbered, sling bar in stock, bolt flat #ed '071'
42338a NIM, GunBroker, matching # bolt, stock numbering not shown, rear sight parts correct/matching, rear band renumbered, incorrect unnumbered SFP
47751a m/m bolt, peened, SMUB, MLB, #ed STGWLS, #ed MFP
414b Postwar renumbered bolt
5128b RC
5772b Springfield Sporters import
6499b JoeSalter, factory matching bolt, lower band, STGWLS; stock #ed externally in DDR style, m/m upper band, m/m floorplate
6765b French sling bar & stacking rod, m/m bolt, AuctionArms
6811b RC, GunBroker, Mitchells frigged
8341b RC, GunBroker, peened swastikas in firing proofs
13874b matching, Zf-41, red glue lam., blued, #ed SUB/MLB
15559b NIM, matching
17387b NIM, GunBroker, matching, E/WaA135 #ed white glue lam. standard stock, #ed handguard, #ed SMUB/MLB, 135 135 '7387' STGWLS, 135 '87' SFP, '87' sear, '87' ejector box
17908b NIM, matching, blued, white glue lam. nKm, SMUB, MLB
22748b RC, GunBroker, completely frigged/renumbered by Mitchell's
25016b NIM, mismatched bolt
25297b NIM, matching, blued, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, '97' ejector box, #ed safety, '5297' byf 135 135 STGWLS, '97' byf 135 SFP, SMUB/MLB
27365b NIM (Australia), white glue lam. non-Km, '65' ejector box, m/m bolt, m/m TG/FP, #ed SMUB/MLB
27515b NIM, GunBroker, blued, matching, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, e/135x2 #ed STGWLS, #ed SFP, #ed rear sight leaf, #ed rear sight leaf slider, #ed SMUB/MLB
27648b NIM, blued, white glue lam. non-Km, e/135x2 #ed '7648' STGWLS, e/135 SFP #ed '48', #ed SUB/MLB, bolt matching, '48' #ed ejector box
32334b RC
33923b GunBroker, NIM, described as matching but has SpSt (walnut) and missing bands
33963b NIM, barreled action only, matching bolt, STG, SFP.
34769b NIM, HTS, E/WaA135 white glue lam. #ed standard stock, #ed SMUB/SLB, '4769' 135 135 STGWLS, '69' 135 SFP, #ed rear safety parts, modified (#ed) standard safety, '69' sear, '69' extractor
35174b NIM, matching
38044b NIM, GunBroker, heavily sanded stock, blued, matching except upper band (stock # not known), #ed 135x2 STG, #ed SFP, #ed MLB, 43 dated bbl
40203b RC, GunBroker
41357b RC, GunBroker
41861b NIM, Empire, matching bolt, mismatched stock & bands, blued, #ed MFP, #ed STG
42895b NIM, blued, no# bolt, #ed bands/HG/TG/rear sight
43203b NIM, blued, matching bolt, receiver, barrel, rear sight parts, and ejector box in m/m stock with m/m bands, FP & TG.
44354b NIM, STG, SFP, m/m stock, m/m bands
47232b IO import, GunBroker, peened, matching #ed bolt stop & 135x2 STGWLS, m/m bolt, m/m bands, m/m FP
49925b NIM, matching except HG which is 2 digits off, blued, white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, 135 135 '9925' STGWLS, 135 '25' SFP, gqm 44 CBP
50579b NIM, blued, matching, #ed white glue lam., #ed SUB/MLB, #ed STG (0579), #ed SFP (79), gqm 44 CBP
51867 b NIM, m/m bolt, SpSt, 135 135 1867 TG, 135 67 FP, 1867 rear sight leaf, 67 rear sight slider, barrel ring marked '43 D1147'
52035b NIM, GunBroker, barreled action only, m/m bolt, 135 135 #ed STGWLS (2035), 135 #ed SFP (35)
3039c NIM, GunBroker, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, #ed ejector box, gqm 44 CBP, #ed SMUB/MLB, 135 135 '3039' STGWLS, 135 '39' SFP
7257c French rework, GB Trader, mostly matching, French force matched bolt (3 digit), internally #ed stock, bayo. mount
7548c NIM, matching except bolt, red lam. non-Km, #ed SFP, STG, SUB, MLB
18687c NIM, SFP, STG, SMUB, SLB, laminated
19277c AA, NIM, m/m bolt, #ed white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, #ed 135 135 STGWLS, '77' #ed SFP, #ed ejector box
19599c NIM, GunBroker, matching SMUB, mostly m/m otherwise
20745c RC, GunBroker, defaced firing proof
21951c NIM, matching, duffle cut
23933c RC, appears to be MM and was 'improved' with postwar single rune
25197c NIM, Collectors Firearms, matching, red glue lam. non-Km, SUB/MLB
25386c GunBroker, mismatched bolt, postwar DDR rebuild with DDR barrel and semi-Kriegs replacement stock
25507c NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SMUB/MLB, 135 135 '25507' STG, 135 '07' #ed perp. to barrel SFP
27611c NIM, GunBroker, duffle cut white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SMUB, m/m lower band/triggerguard/floorplate/handguard
32732c AA, heavily sporterized laminated stock, mismatched bolt
35005c RC
46041c RC
48158c NIM, GunBroker, matching, #ed white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, 135 135 '8158' STGWLS, 135 '58' SFP
49556c NIM, Brocks, matching except bolt, white glue. lam. non-Km, #ed SUB, MLB, 135 135 '9556' STGWLS, 135 '56' #ed perp. to barrel SFP, '56' ejector box
51151c RC
52729c NIM, matching bolt
52733c NIM, m/m bolt, m/m floorplate, m/m follower, SUB/MLB
53057c RC, GunBroker
54731c GunBroker, defaced WaA's/firing proofs, m/m
1366d GunBroker, NIM, complete mismatch, 1943 dated barrel
13415d RC, Empire Arms, Russian X on receiver ring
14216d NIM, GunBroker, described as m/m, stock definitely m/m, no closeup photos
15638d NIM, m/m bolt, m/m bands
15677d NIM, blued, red lam. non-Km, #ed SFP, STG, #ed SUB, #ed MLB
18378d AA, peened swastikas, mismatched; now a m/m receiver only on GunBroker (3/11)
18954d CAI import, peened, matching except floorplate and bolt, barrel code 44D111
19275d RC
20797d GunBroker, Zf-41 (presented as), mediocre photos, described as mismatched and in a flat buttplate stock
22592d NIM, AA, m/m stock
22301d RC
23213d receiver only, firing proofs and Waffenamts defaced, GunBroker
25722d GunBroker, NIM, matching, red lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, 135 135 #ed '5722' STGWLS, 135 #ed '22' SFP, #ed safety, no# ejector box
26956d RC, GunBroker
27904d NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, 135 135 '7904' STGWLS, 135 '04' SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
28549d East German rebuild with Iraqi property mark, DDR renumbered parts, m/m bolt
29529d RC, GunBroker, CAI import
34224d NIM, matching except bolt, red lam. non-Km, #ed SFP, STG, SMUB, MLB
36406d NIM, matching, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, 135 135 '6406' STGWLS, #ed SUB/MLB
37181d NIM, matching, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, 135 135 '7181' STG, 135 '81' SFP, #ed SMUB/MLB
38485d NIM, HTS, captured by Audie Murphy
39762d RC, InterOrdnance import
40062d CAI, AA, mismatched and sporterized, likely DDR rebuild (crown/U)
40663d NIM, matching barreled action only, 135 135 '0663' STGWLS, 135 '63' SFP, mismatched extractor; barrel code 44D188
44508d RC, GunBroker, peened
46114d NIM, matching, blued, red glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/#ed MLB, '6114' #ed STG, '14' #ed SFP
49541d NIM, GunBroker, matching except safety, sanded red glue lam. non-Km, #ed STG, #ed SFP
50787d NIM, matching
3148e NIM, matching except follower, SFP, STG, SUB, MLB, #ed HG, #ed stock
6712e RC, GunBroker
6991e NIM, mismatched stock, SFP, SMUB
9143e NIM, GunBroker, matching but missing handguard, #ed red glue lam. E/WaA135 standard stock, #ed SUB/MLB, no# 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 135 SFP
20487e RC, Empire
21363e NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, white glue lam. non-Km, no# 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 135 SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
24382e NIM, matching, blued, #ed white glue lam. non-Km, no# 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 135 SFP, #ed SUB/MLB, 44D25g barrel ring markings, no# 135 stamped follower, 135 stamped bandspring
25352e CAI import, m/m, Zf-41 rear sight base, crudely-chiseled firing proofs
24684e NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, STG
25608e GunBroker, NIM, m/m bolt, blued, red glue lam. non-Km
27963e NIM, GunBroker, mismatched except #ed SFP/STG. Restocked in postwar Czech no# sKm
28528e import marked, GB, matching(!), non-Km white glue lam., #ed SUB/MLB, no#STG, #ed SFP (5 digits parallel to bore)
28994e RC, AA
36188e CAI import, complete m/m
36235e NIM, matching except TG/FP, blued, red glue lam. non-Km, SUB/SLB
36264e GunBroker, m/m stock, m/m bolt, no# 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise '36264' 135 SFP
37978e GunBroker, NIM, red glue lam. E/WaA135 standard stock, SFP #ed lengthwise '37978', collector renumbered upper and lower bands
39684e RC
41135e NIM, GunBroker, m/m stock, blued, matching bolt (m/m safety), no# 135 135 STG, #ed lengthwise '41135' SFP, Zf-41 rear sight base
41400e NIM, matching except bolt, #ed red glue lam. standard stock, #ed SMUB/MLB, no# 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise '41400' 135 SFP
43427e NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, SpSt, Zf-41 rear sight base
44275e NIM, matching, #ed SUB/MLB, no# 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 135 SFP
44355e NIM, m/m bolt, bands, rear sight, matching red glue lam standard stock, no# 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 135 SFP
44460e NIM, matching, white glue lam., missing handguard, blued, #ed SUB/MLB, no# 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 135 SFP
49197e RC, GunBroker
49935e NIM, barreled action only
51940e NIM, matching, non-Km, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, no# STG, #ed SFP (5 digits parallel to bore), #ed SUB/MLB
53317e NIM, GunBroker, matching with exception collector renumbered bolt sleeve/safety, cocking piece, & likely firing pin, red glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, #ed 135 MTGWLS (53317), #ed MFP (53317 perpendicular to bore)
54169e RC
55210e Israeli rebuilt, 7.62 marked, removed/defaced firing proofs
55496e GunBroker, import-marked, m/m bolt, defaced firing proofs
55759e NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, STG, #ed SFP (5 digits parallel to bore)
2618f GunBroker, RC
5758f GunBroker, m/m bolt, m/m floorplate
8276f NIM, French, matching, blued, French sling bar, French 3 digit #ed bolt flat, French #ed STG, #ed SFP, #ed red lam. non-Km, #ed HG
9618f NIM, matching, red glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise '9618' byf 135 SFP, possible unnumbered replacement safety
15017f RC, GunBroker
16877f NIM, matching, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, #ed SFP, STG, #ed SUB, #ed MLB
18990f RC, GunBroker
19373f NIM, matching, Zf-41, blued, E/WaA135 white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP
20352f GunBroker, receiver, bolt, trigger & sear only, matching, blued, round vent holes.
21942f GunBroker, Israeli post-war rework. Rechambered 7.62. Hammered firing proof left of receiver ring.
24130f NIM, matching, lam., SMUB/SLB, STG/SFP
25097f RC, GunBroker
29097f RC, GunBroker
33859f NIM, GunBroker, barreled action only, matching bolt, m/m TG/FP, no# ejector box
33864f NIM, m/m bolt rifle humped into a Zf-41 and bolt renumbered by 'Kiska'
37172f NIM, GunBroker, matching except handguard, #ed white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise '37172' byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
40739f Empire, completely mismatched, reworked, peened firing proofs
41229f NIM, Zf-41 in mismatched stock
49814f NIM, GunBroker, matching, red glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 #ed lengthwise '49814' SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
49995f NIM, matching bolt, red glue lam. non-Km, byf no# STGWLS, byf #ed SFP
50442f NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, byf no# STGWLS, byf 135 #ed '50442' lengthwise, #ed SUB/MLB, gqm 43 CBP, no# ejector box
54124f NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, cleaned stock, Zf-41 base, #ed byf SFP
54263f RC
54992f RC
55674f GunBroker, probable RC, mismatched with defaced firing proofs
61752f RC, GunBroker
62884f NIM, GunBroker, blued, matching (#ed receiver), m/m stock, m/m handguard, byf 135 135 no# STGWLS, 135 lengthwise #ed SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
63497f NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, blued
63526f RC, GunBroker
260g NIM, postwar renumbered bolt and mismatched stock. Barrel code=44D209
2201g NIM, GunBroker, matching metal, mismatched stock
5506g NIM, matching, white glue lam. standard stock, #ed SUB/?LB, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 SFP '5506' #ed lengthwise, no# rear sight parts
57253g NIM, matching, GunBroker, #ed white glue lam. standard stock, #ed SUB/MLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise '57253' byf 135 SFP
7300g NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, m/m stock;matching # SUB/SLB, byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 SFP '7300' #ed lengthwise
9675g mismatched
9978g NIM, GunBroker, matching bolt/sleeve/safety, described as 'matching' but Yugo #s visible on left butt & no other #s visible
10281g NIM, m/m bolt and stock, STGWLS, SFP, SUB
10551g GunBroker, CAI import, mismatched
12350g RC, GunBroker
13083g NIM, AA, m/m bolt, no# byf 135 135 STG, byf 135 SFP #ed '13083' lengthwise;2/11 on GunBroker w/collector renumbered stock and bands along with '3085' #ed bolt being presented as 'factory goof';offered again on GunBroker 10/11
14101g GunBroker, collector renumbered bolt, mismatched stock
14337g NIM, GunBroker, missing bolt, m/m bands, m/m TG, m/m FP
15714g NIM, AA, matching, blued, #ed E/WaA135 red glue lam. non-Km stock, gqm43 CBP, #ed SFP (lengthwise), STG, #ed SUB/SLB, '44 dated barrel
15876g NIM, mismatched, GunsAmerica
16504g NIM, matching, blued, lam.non-Km, #ed SFP/SUB/SLB, no# STG
18986g NIM, matching bolt, repro SSR, GunBroker
19428g NIM, matching, gqm43 CBP
20774g RC
21508g RC
21822g RC
22333g NIM, GunBroker, sporter stock, m/m bolt, rear bridge tapped for peep, rear sight base removed, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 22333 byf 135 SFP
22526g NIM, GunBroker, described as matching, red glue lam. non-Km, only SN's visible are: bolt body, SFP, SUB, safety, bolt sleeve; no# ejector box, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 SFP #ed lengthwise
24379g NIM, matching, blued, white glue laminated
24517g NIM, matching metal in SpSt, no bands, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, no# ejector box
28273g rifle in Belgium, renumbered bolt, postwar numbered triggerguard
30033g NIM, GunBroker, barreled action with mismatched bolt, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise '30033' byf 135 SFP, '44N109' barrel ring marking
34986g NIM, GunBroker, matching except bolt, white glue lam. WaA135 non-Km, byf SFP #ed lengthwise '34986', #ed SUB/SLB, bolt #ed '11', bolt sleeve/safety #ed '9486'
38092g RC, partially scrubbed
39274g barreled receiver only, GunBroker
41236g GunBroker, NIM, matching, #ed white (pink?) glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, gqm 44 CBP
42241g RC, GunBroker, peened swastikas, barreled receiver only
45260g NIM, GunBroker, matching, white glue lam., non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/MLB, no# ejector box, gqm 44 CBP
45822g NIM, Brocks, matching except replacement safety, blued, white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise '45822' byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB, MLB
47381g NIM, matching, duffle cut, CBP
48154g NIM, matching bbl'ed action in m/m stock, blued, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP
48986g NIM, GunBroker, blued, matching bolt, #ed lengthwise, byf 135 SFP, m/m stock, m/m bands--now repro SSR
50096g NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, blued, white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STG, '50096' lengthwise byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
50299g NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, m/m bands, no other #ed parts shown.
51355g RC, Empire
52236g NIM, matching
52310g AA, described as bolt mismatch, white glue lam. non-Km, byf 135 135 no # STGWLS, '52310' lengthwise byf SFP, #ed SUB/MLB (offered again on GunBroker 11/11)
52563g RC
52609g NIM, GunBroker, matching, red glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB, no# byf STG, #ed byf SFP, gqm 44 CBP
53640g NIM, GunBroker, bolt matching, SUB matching, no other SN's shown
53918g RC, GunBroker
54523g RC
55955g Rifle in Belgium, matching except bolt, SFP, STG, SUB, SLB, cupped
55982g NIM, matching, blued, E/WaA135 red glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, no# byf 135 STGWLS, '55982' lengthwise byf 135 SFP, no# bolt stop, no# rear sight parts
57253g NIM, matching, GunBroker, #ed white glue lam. standard stock, #ed SUB/MLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, '57253' #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, final step in barrel crudely removed
79h NIM, m/m bolt, red glue lam. non-Km, SUB, 135 no# STG
2783h NIM, matching except replacement handguard, E/WaA135 white glue lam. non-Km, #ed SUB/MLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, '2783' #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, '44D934' barrel code, gqm44 CBP
3884h (ar44) NIM, French sling bar, French force matched bolt/SFP/STG
4087h NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, SpSt, STGWLS, SFP
8101h (ar44) NIM, renumbered bolt, no# byf STG, #ed byf SFP, SUB/MLB
9643h NIM, m/m bolt, #ed laminated non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 9643 byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
12792h NIM, matching, #ed non-Km, byf 135 SFP #ed '12792' lengthwise, #ed SUB/MLB, #ed safety
13779h NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, blued, 135 135 '3779' STGWLS, 135 '79' SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
14716h GunBroker, blued, mismatched
17009h GunBroker, CAI import marked, postwar renumbered throughout
17705h RC GunBroker
20076h bolt mismatch. Restored ex-high turret sniper.
23675h NIM, matching, blued, E/WaA135 white glue lam. non-Km, byf 135 135 no# STGWLS, #ed byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
23994h NIM, matching, blued, E/WaA135 white glue lam. non-Km, byf 135 135 no# STGWLS, #ed lenghtwise byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
25938h NIM, matching barreled action, mismatched stock. Unnumbered ejector box.
26224h NIM, matching bolt body, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP
28268h Sporterized stock
31017h NIM, blued, extra 4 stamped next to the two 4's in byf 44, red glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 SFP #ed lengthwise, #ed SUB/MLB, gqm 44 CBP
34564h NIM, AA, blued, matching bolt, replacement no# safety, m/m UB, no# byf STG, #ed byf SFP, m/m stock and handguard
1180i NIM, matching,#ed SUB,no# MLB, #ed SFP,lam.,gqm 44 cupped BP
2300i ar 44, NIM, matching, blued, white glue lam., #ed safety, no# 135 135 STGWLS, 135 '2300' lengthwise #ed SFP, #ed SUB/MLB
3526i RC, GunBroker
5267i GunBroker
6527i ar 44, GunBroker, matching bolt, m/m stock, no# 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 '6527' lengthwise SFP
8672i NIM, GunBroker, bolt #ed 1677i, byf 135 135 STGWOLS, byf 135 '8672' lengthwise SFP, #ed SUB/MLB, non-Km white glue lam. E/WaA135 stock internally #ed '8677', gqm44 CBP
9196i GunBroker, unnumbered bolt, aftermarket triggerguard and flooplate, stock sanded & SN not in photos
10450i AuctionArms, completely wrong, fake SS markings, fake sniper, likely nothing original, non-military double triggers added by humper to complete this ridiculous fantasy piece
12231i NIM, GunBroker, SpSt
15887i NIM, matching barreled action only, blued, no# byf STG, #ed byf SFP, E/140 bolt
15970i NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, m/m stock, m/m bands, custom engraved receiver & TG/FP, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise 135 SFP
16890i NIM, GunBroker, matching, #ed white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 SFP #ed lengthwise, #ed SUB/SLB, no# ejector box
17196i NIM, matching except bolt and floorplate, white glue lam. non-Km
23080i NIM, GunBroker, blued, duffle cut white glue lam. non-Km, matching bolt, no# STGWLS byf 135 135, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/SLB
23931i NIM, GB, m/m bolt, blued, red glue lam. non-Km, SUB/SLB
25348i NIM, matching, white glue lam., no# STGWLS byf 135 135, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/SLB
28330i (ar44)NIM, matching, lam.non-Km, blued, #ed SUB/SLB/SFP, no#STG
28331i NIM, matching, barrel code 44D667, no# STG, #ed SFP, gqm 44 CBP
28479i (ar44) RC, GunBroker
30268i (ar44)
31331i NIM, matching, white glue lam. standard stock
32188i (ar44) Joe Salter website, matching bolt, cleaned/sanded stock, no # qnw STG (?), no # MFP (?)
33864i NIM, AA, m/m bolt, red glue lam. non-Km, blued, #ed SUB/MLB, #ed byf SFP
37199i NIM, GB Trader, matching, #ed white glue lam. non-Km, #ed safety, #ed SUB/SLB, #ed lengthwise SFP (37199), gqm 44 CBP
37300i NIM, matching barreled receiver in m/m stock, no# byf 135 135 STG, byf 135 SFP #ed lengthwise '37300'
37752i NIM, matching bolt, white glue lam. non-Km, byf no# STGWLS, byf #ed SFP, #ed SUB/SLB
38120i NIM, SimpsonLTD, matching, HTS, red glue lam. non-Km, blued, #ed SUB/SLB, no # STGWLS, #ed SFP
41285i (ar44) NIM, matching, blued, non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, lengthwise #ed byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/SLB
42344i (ar44) GunBroker, NIM, matching bolt barreled action in m/m stock with m/m bands, #ed safety, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 SFP #ed lengthwise '42344'
45768i NIM, matching, Trader
48073i RC, Empire
48269i RC, GunBroker
49735i NIM, GunBroker, matching*, blued, red glue non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise '49735' byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/SLB, qgm 44 CBP; (*cocking piece/safety/bolt sleeve appear to be numbered '0735')
50869i NIM, GunBroker, blued, m/m bolt, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, no# byf STGWLS, #ed 135 SFP, #ed SUB/SLB
52283i NIM, matching except bolt, white lam. non-Km, red HG, #ed SFP, STG, SUB, SLB, SN on barrel
52826i NIM, matching
53498i NIM, matching, blued, HTS, SUB, SLB
55068i NIM, GunBroker, m/m stock, m/m bolt, m/m bands;matching byf 135 135 no# STGWLS, matching byf 135 SFP #ed lengthwise '55068'
58225i NIM, GunBroker, barreled action only, blued, matching bolt w/#ed safety, m/m TG, m/m FP, left of barrel shank #ed--reappeared on GB as complete rifle w/Zf-41 upper mount humped to match from Eagle, ID
88555i **assuming this one is actually a misidentified L block**
486k NIM, GunBroker, blued, matching, (#ed bbl/no#rcvr), E/WaA135 white glue lam. non-Km, #ed safety, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, gqm44 CBP, #ed SUB/SLB
908k GunBroker
1269k NIM, GunBroker, matching, sn on rcvr, #ed E/WaA135 red glue lam. non-Km, #ed safety, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, gqm 44 CBP, #ed SUB/SLB, no# rear sight parts
2709k RC, GunBroker, sn on bbl and not rcvr
2985k (ar44)
3715k NIM, blued, m/m bolt, red glue lam. non-Km #ed 3713, HG #ed 3715, no # byf 135 135 STGWLS, #ed lengthwise byf 135 SFP, #ed SUB/SLB
4086k NIM, GunBoards Trader, matching except floorplate, #ed red glue lam WaA135 non-Km, #ed SUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, gqm 44 CBP
3255k NIM, GunBroker
4642k NIM, GunBroker, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, SMUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STG, no# byf 135 SFP
10486k NIM, matching barreled action, Yugo stock, #ed on left of barrel shank, byf 135 135 no# STG, byf 135 lengthwise #ed SFP
13351k RC, CAI import.
14077k RC
20922k NIM, AuctionArms, m/m bolt, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, HG #ed 23922, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, byf 135 SFP #ed lengthwise 20922, #ed SUB/SLB
22867k NIM, SpSt, matching bolt with numbered safety, serialized on barrel and not receiver
24932k GunBroker, original serial number on left barrel shank, mismatched, canceled firing proofs (likely DDR)
25683k NIM, GunBroker, blued, barreled action only, matching bolt, #ed on left of barrel shank (no# receiver), byf 135 135 no# STGWLS, byf 135 '25683' #ed lengthwise SFP, #ed safety
28674k (ar44)NIM, GunBroker, matching except lower band, white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf STG, #ed byf SFP, #ed SUB
29033k NIM, AA, listed as all matching Zf-41. Red glue lam., SFP #ed lengthwise, STGWLS;poor quality photos.
30427k NIM, barreled action only, matching bolt, #ed on left of barrel shank, #ed safety, no# ejector box, no# rear sight parts
35137k GunBroker, NIM, m/m bolt, m/m stock, serial numbered on left of receiver and not barrel
36378k NIM, matching, red glue lam. non-Km, no# SUB/SLB, STG, SFP, no# safety, no# ejector box
38886k 'broken' firing proof, RC
42607k NIM, GB Trader, blued, matching bolt, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no# SUB/SLB
45674k GunsAmerica, m/m bolt, SpSt
47029k GunBroker, blued barreled receiver with sight parts, ejector box, sear, and trigger only. Serial numbered on left of receiver.
47770k NIM, GunBroker, matching, red glue lam. non-Km, issued S/42 no# armourer safety, byf 135 135 no# STGWLS, byf 135 no# SFP, no# SUB/SLB
48531k NIM, blued, matching, red glue lam. non-Km, no# byf STGWOLS, no# byf SFP, no# SUB/SLB; only#ed parts: receiver ring, bolt, bolt sleeve, cocking piece, firing pin
48975k RC, Empire
49494k NIM, GunBroker, matching chrome bolt w/sporter stock and peep rear sight;#ed on receiver ring
51375k NIM
52500k RC
53881k NIM, GunBroker, collector renumbered bolt, collector numbered bands, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, no# byf 135 SFP
54836k NIM, matching, lam. non-Km, red HG, no# SFP, STG, SUB, SLB
55022k NIM, matching, red glue lam. non-Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# byf 135 SFP
55069k RC, GunBroker, TG Knox import
55881k NIM, matching, blued, #ed red glue lam. non-Km, no# SUB/SLB, Zf41
56070k NIM, Joe Salter website, matching bolt, likely Czech postwar stock, no# qnw STG(?), no # byf SFP
57966k RC
62202k NIM, GunBroker, white glue lam. non-Km, no# SMUB/SLB, STG
63558k mismatched, import-marked
321 l NIM, matching, phosphate bolt, no# red glue lam non-Km, no# byf STGWOLS/SFP, no# SUB/SLB
441 l (ar44) DDR rebuild
544 l (ar44) NIM, matching, phosphate bolt
1312 l (ar44) NIM, matching, phos., no# red glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# 135 SFP
2123 l blued, matching, cut down
2537 l (ar44)
2860 l (ar44)
3152 l NIM, upside-down '7' used as L suffix on bolt flat, normal 'L' suffix on receiver
4893 l NIM, matching, non-Km, no# STGWOLS/no# SFP, all blue
4913 l postwar rebuilt, blued, complete mismatch
6488 l NIM, matching, red lam. non-Km, white HG, phos.bolt, phos.STGWOLS/SFP, no# SMUB/MLB, rcvr has '9' as 5th digit which is overstamped with L suffix
8182 l matching bolt and receiver only
8672 l NIM, AuctionArms, m/m bolt, m/m stock, m/m handguard
8687 l import-marked, Collector's Firearms, peened firing proofs, likely DDR rebuild
8856 l NIM, AA, matching, red lam. Km, phoshate, SUB, SLB
8931 l
10378 l NIM, matching, all phos., red lam. Km, 'broken' firing proof
10808 l NIM
10984 l NIM, no# blued byf 135 135 STGWLS, no# blued byf 135 SFP
11010 l NIM, GunBroker, matching, no # white glue lam. non-Km, no# SMUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
11216 l NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, SpSt, blued barreled receiver, blued no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, blued no# byf 135 SFP
11836 l NIM, GunBroker, matching, blue w/phos. bolt, red glue lam. non-Km, no#SUB/SLB, no#STG
14305 l NIM, GunBroker, complete m/m, modified for Soviet PU scope/mount
14623 l NIM, HTS, m/m bolt, m/m stock, collector renumbered bolt, stock, etc.
14982 l NIM, French postwar modified
15077 l NIM, non-Km
16733 l RC
17508 l NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km stock, SMUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
20510 l RC, Empire
21014 l NIM, m/m bolt, blued, duffle cut, STG, SFP, SUB, SLB.
21258 l Rifle in UK. Mismatched.
21697 l NIM, RC.
22146 l NIM, matching except bolt, white glue lam. non-Km stock, no# byf 135 135 STGWLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no# SMUB/SLB
24261 l NIM, GunBroker, blued, stripped barreled receiver
25971 l AA, postwar renumbered (DDR?), Czech postwar TG, peened firing proofs
26362 l RC, upside down 7 used in place of usual 'L' suffix stamp (?)
26478 l NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt, white glue lam. non-Km, no# SUB/SLB, 2 hole no# byf STG, no# byf SFP
27734 l NIM, non-Km, blued, STGWOLS/SFP, E140 bolt
28676 l NIM, white glue lam. non-Km, m/m bolt, blued, SFP, STG, SUB, SLB, CBP
28790 l CAI import, GunBroker, m/m bolt, m/m stock, real HTS
29488 l Empire, Walnut WaA135 stock, STG/SFP/SUB/SLB/CBP
32400 l GunBroker, NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no# SUB/SLB
35054 l GunBroker, Miltech refinished, repro stock, parts renumbered, extra swastikas stamped on left side of rear sight base
35138 l GunBroker, blued barreled receiver, m/m bolt, sporterized stock
35481 l
37941 l NIM, m/m bolt, m/m stock
38175 l RC, Empire
39064 l
39469 l NIM, matching, blued, white glue lam. non-Km, byf 135 135 no# STGWOLS, byf 135 no# SFP, no# SUB/SLB
39811 l NIM, matching, Empire, blued, walnut semi-Km w/hole in CBP & bayo. mount present, STG/SFP/SUB/SLB
41112 l RC
41211 l
41767 l RC, GunBroker
41843 l NIM, matching, blued, duffle cut red glue Km, no# byf STGWOLS, no# byf SFP, no# SUB/SLB
42558 l NIM, matched, all phosphate, 'C' marked non-Km, STG, SFP, SMUB, SLB
43683 l
46862 l NIM, white glue Km, phos. bolt, 44E38 marked barrel
46700 l
47694 l NIM, matching barreled action, blued barreled receiver, phosphated follower
47967 l NIM, GunBroker, described as mismatched (to what extent not stated), blued.
48022 l NIM, white glue non-Km, phos.E140 bolt, phos.STGWOLS, blue SFP
49132 l NIM, HTS
49368 l NIM, matching, blued except phos. STG, white glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no# SUB/SLB
50241 l NIM, blued, bolt m/m, Zf41 red glue lam. Km w/postwar numbering on right but no Zf41 rear sight base, no# SUB/SLB/STG/SFP
50374 l NIM, 'C' non-Km, Zf41
50984 l RC, GunBroker
51215 l
52205 l AuctionArms, stripped receiver, firing proof ground away
53252 l RC, Empire
53762 l NIM, matching bolt
55114 l NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, blued barreled action, phos. bayo. mount, no# SUB/SLB
55448 l RC, GunBroker
55797 l
56196 l NIM, red glue lam. semi-Km, phos. bolt, phos STG, SMUB/SLB, Zf-41
56656 l NIM, white glue lam. missing cut foreend, blued barreled receiver w/matching # phos. bolt
57893 l
58473 l barrel ring markings: byf over 1 in a shield, 44 D 962 eagle 135
59103 l NIM, GunBroker, reblued, SpSt, bolt correctly #ed '9103' but suffix letter not 'L'(!), no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
62288 l NIM, GunBroker, matching, blued with phos. STG & extractor collar, red glue lam. non-Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no# SUB
63622 l NIM, GunBroker, matching, semi-Km stock, no# SMUB/SLB
64055 l
64277 l
66858 l receiver only, GunBroker
68170 l NIM, replacement stock, matching bolt
70074 l NIM, GunBroker, blued barreled receiver, matching phos. bolt, byf STGWOLS, SFP, stock sanded/oiled or replaced, bands definitely replaced
70407 l
72006 l NIM, GunBroker
74010 l RC, Russian X stamped just above receiver serial number
74101 l NIM, GunBroker, receiver with mismatched bolt and mismatched TG/FP only, no barrel or stock, right rear bridge D&T'ed for peep sight
75023 l D&T'ed, rear sight base removed, SpSt
75098 l NIM, matching, E/WaA135 red glue laminated Km, blued except phosphated TG, FP, & bolt sleeve, no# byf 135 135 135 (not a typo) STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no# SUB/SLB
75520 l defaced firing proofs, East German rebuild with Iraqi Jeem markings on barrel and receiver ring
75698 l NIM, matching, E/WaA135 'C' white glue lam. non-Km, blued w/phos. bolt, no # byf 135 135 STGWOLS/byf 135 STG, no # SMUB/SLB
75997 l NIM, GunBroker, barreled receiver without bolt or stock, phos., rear sight present
76638 l NIM, matching barreled action, mismatched stock, phosphated bolt, blued barreled receiver
77153 l NIM, non-Km, phos.bolt, blue barreled receiver, phos.STGWOLS/SFP
77503 l NIM, matching bolt, blued barreled receiver, phos. bolt
77566 l NIM, HTS, walnut Km stock modified to have firing pin disassembly disk/tube setup, S/42 HG, matching except scope, SUB/SLB, no# byf STGWOLS, no# SFP
77714 l NIM, matching
77806 l NIM, matching bolt, blued
78156 l NIM, GunBroker, blued barrel/receiver, no# STGWOLS/SFP, heavily sporterized, sporter stock, may be original bolt but handle cut/welded, bolt polished
78263 l NIM, Km, phos.bolt, phos.STGWOLS/SFP, 44D959 marked barrel
78486 l NIM
78674 l NIM, walnut Km, high turret sniper (Rock Island Auctions)
78901 l NIM, GunBroker, collector renumbered bolt flat, original matching bolt screw, Zf41 base (original vs. ?)
79552 l NIM, white glue laminated SpSt, bore 'modified' in ill-advised gunsmithing attempt
79701 l NIM, Zf-41 barreled receiver only, blued
79747 l NIM, GunBroker, matching, blued barreled receiver, STG/SFP, SUB/SLB; mismatched stock
80123 l NIM, matching metal, SpSt, barrel ring marked 44D892
80146 l NIM, GunBroker, matching, Zf41, red glue lam. Km
80431 l blued w/phosphated bolt, replacement stock
80677 l
80935 l NIM, matching, phosphate, red glue lam. Km, SUB/SLB/STG/SFP, 'broken' firing proof
81916 l NIM, 'C' non-Km, phosphate barreled receiver
81990 l NIM, matching, blued, Zf41, no#SUB/SLB/SFP/STGWOLS, lam. non-Km, missing duffle cut foreend-now restored
82159 l NIM, GunBroker, matching bolt
82908 l NIM, matching, Zf41 with matching mount, blued with phosphated bolt
83499 l RC, TG Knox. import**now completely humped**
83958 l NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, Km, Zf41
84594 l NIM, matching, blued barreled receiver, phos. bolt/TG/FP, white glue lam. non-Km, byf 135 135 no# STGWOLS, byf 135 no# SFP, no# SMUB/SLB
84914 l NIM, matching bolt, SpSt, Zf41
85244 l NIM, m/m bolt, no# red glue lam. non-Km C stock, no# SMUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
85995 l NIM, non-Km C stock
87559 l
87746 l NIM, matching, duffle cut, Km, Zf41, SFP/STG/SUB/SLB
88048 l NIM, matching, walnut Km
88695 l NIM, SimpsonLTD, matching except safety, Km, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
88940 l NIM, matching, white glue lam. Km, 'i' used as suffix on bolt flat
89632 l NIM, matching, Zf41, no# STGWOLS/SFP
89683 l NIM, GunBroker, white glue lam. Km, Zf41
244n (ar44)
774n NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
1802n (bcd4) GunBroker, mismatched, blued barreled receiver, E/135 final inspection WaA
2352n (bcd4) NIM, matching, white glue lam. non-Km, no# sintered UB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
2444n (ar44)
2660n (ar44)
4096n (byf 44) NIM, matching bolt, no# red glue non-Km, no# bands, STGWOLS
4836n (ar44) NIM, matching
6104n (ar44) RC Cole
7211n (ar44) NIM, matching bolt, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, phosphate bolt
7563n (ar44) NIM, GunBroker, matching with possible factory m/m stock (7663)
8006n (ar44) NIM, GunBroker, m/m bolt, cutdown stock with firing pin disassembly disks and later type hole through buttplate
8058n (ar44)
8330n (byf44) NIM
10069n RC Empire
10412n (ar44) RC FAC
11503n (ar44) RC Empire
11616n (ar44) NIM, matching, all blued, no# white glue lam E/135 standard stock, no# SUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
12271n (bcd4) NIM, blue '1' bolt, byf phos.STGWOLS/SFP, SMUB/SLB, 135 stock, 44D959 barrel
12272n (byf44) completely humped
12329n (bcd4) WaA135 final inspection
12476n (ar44) imported, mismatched stock/bolt/bands
13123n (bcd4) GunBroker, NIM, red glue lam. E/WaA135 semi-Km, matching bolt body, m/m cocking piece and m/m bolt sleeve, blued barreled receiver, phos. bolt, no# sintered closed UB, no# MLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS (blued), no# byf 135 SFP (blued)
13929n (bcd4) NIM, matching
34233 o (?)
8101r (?)
2514u (?)RC, TG Knox import, E/135 final inspection WaA, cursive 'u' below and just to the right of digits
byf 45 serial numbers:
24 sporterized, rebarreled postwar
138 m/m action
482 mismatched
567 non-import marked Kriegsmodell, matching.
906 NIM, matching, KM, mixed blue/phosphate, 'broken' firing proof
944 red glue lam.
1210 NIM, blued, matching, phos. bolt, 'C' non-Km, Zf41, 'broken' firing proof
1212 RC, FAC, proofs ground--now a stripped receiver on AuctionArms
1240 Zf 41, Kriegsmodell, BBOTW-SV
2875 AA, NIM, m/m bolt, red lam. non-Km, Zf-41 rear sight base
4413 non-Km C* marked stock
4422 RC, GunBroker
4730 eBay, stripped barreled receiver, D&T receiver ring, reported as a Zf-41 but rear sight base missing
4736 NIM, matching, C marked stock
4844 NIM, lam. Km
4896 GunBroker, reblued, renumbered
5417 NIM
5983 NIM, matching, blued bbl/rcver, phos. bolt, walnut Km, no# SUB/SLB, phos. STG
7465 NIM, GunBroker, matching, lam. Km, no# SUB/SLB, blued barreled receiver, blued safety, bolt body and remaining bolt parts phos.
7495 NIM, Km, Zf 41
7532 NIM, matching, Zf 41, phosphate bolt, white glue lam. Km
8696 NIM Zf 41/1, not a Kriegsmodell, BBOTW
8707 import marked Russian capture (Cole)
9002 NIM, matching, blued barreled receiver and bolt, unnumbered 'C' marked non-Km, no# SMUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
10273 NIM, matching, phos., walnut Km stock w/chatter marks, no# SUB/SLB, no # byf STG/SFP
10337 C* marked non-Km stock w/E135 markings
11653 import marked Russian capture (Cole)
11765 (ar 44 receiver)NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt, red glue Km
12283 NIM, matching, red glue lam. Km stock, no# SUB/SLB, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
12856 C* marked non-Km stock
12967 import marked Russian capture (Empire)
14830 NIM, matching, walnut Km, byf 135 135 STGWOLS, byf 135 SFP
15374 NIM, matching, Zf 41
15515 blue, matching, Km stock, phos bolt, phos byf STGWOLS, blue MFP, phos SUB/SLB
16084 NIM, matching, S/42 handguard, mixed blue/phosphate
17270 NIM, m/m FP, m/m SpSt, missing bolt, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS
17366 NIM, Kriegsmodell, laminated, mixed finish, matching bolt, (AA)
17660 NIM, m/m bolt, phos., white glue lam. Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
18038 import-marked, AuctionArms, Mitchells frigged
18164 GunBroker, m/m bolt, fake Zf-41 adapter
18460 7.9x33, BBOTW
18520 (byf 44 receiver)
19399 NIM, high turret sniper, BBOTW-SV
19547 NIM, matching, blued, varnished white glue lam. Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# STG/SFP
19942 French force-matched bolt
20017 NIM, matching, high turret sniper, phosphated, Km w/added takedown tube/washer setup
20323 DDR rebuild, peened firing proofs and force matched, GunBroker
20671 ar 44 receiver, NIM, matching, no# white glue lam. standard stock, no# SMUB/SLB
21042 NIM, GunBroker, HTS, phos., matching except upper mount/scope, Km w/added takedown tube/washer setup, STGWOLS, SFP, no# SUB/SLB
21468 NIM, GunBroker, matching but missing cut foreend, bands, & HG, walnut Km w/o #, blued barreled action w/phos. bolt, no# STG, no# SFP
21510 Phosphate (RC blue removed), Empire Arms, striped Walnut WaA135 stock, STG/ SFP/SUB/SLB/CBP
22712 AA, NIM, m/m
22856 NIM, matching, white lam. 'C' non-Km, blue barreled receiver w/phos. bolt, no#byf STG/no# MFP
22999 NIM
23420 NIM, matching, Zf 41, walnut E/WaA135 Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# MFP
23671 Zf 41, matching,not Km,749/1 bolt,#d bands/TG/FP,few EP #s,135 stock w/heavy shellac
24329 m/m action
24349 NIM, GunBroker, mismatched bolt and floorplate
25250 NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt, red lam. Km
25348 NIM, GunBroker, matching barreled action
25860 matching, phosphated, SFP, STG (in Switzerland)
27270 NIM, AA, blued barreled action, matching phos. bolt, 2 screw no# phos. byf STG, blued no# MFP, m/m stock, m/m bands
27909 NIM, matching, full Km, SUB, SLB, SFP
28930 Zf 41, matching, full Km, mixed blue/phosphate
29506 NIM, matching, walnut sKm (hole in cupped BP),
30167 (collector renumbered bolt)
30527 NIM, matching, all phosphate, walnut Km
30531 Receiver only
30687 NIM, GunBroker, sporter stock, rear sight base removed, m/m bolt, right rear bridge tapped for peep, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
31571 NIM, matching, high turret sniper, phosphate, #ed white lam. Km, SUB/SLB/SFP/STG
32376 byf over 1 in shield and 44 D 100 barrel ring markings
33112 NIM, SpSt, m/m bolt, blued barreled action, Zf-41, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
33253 (byf 45?) NIM, barreled action only, high turret sniper
33669 Empire, NIM, matching, Km, no# SUB/SLB
34313 NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt, red glue Km, Eagle N commercial proofed
35101 import marked Russian capture (Empire)
35322 NIM, matching receiver, bolt, bolt sleeve, firing pin, cocking piece, safety only, unstained lam. Km, STG
35870 NIM, collector renumbered bolt, Zf41 rear sight base marked 135 & 655
37189 NIM, reblued, matching, refinished non-Km, STG, SFP, SMUB/SLB
38681 NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt, Km stock, phos no# byf STG, phos no# byf SFP
39036 m/m bolt, walnut stock
39996 matching, blue rcvr, phos bolt, Km stock, phos byf STGWOLS, byf SFP, subcontracted handguard
41015 NIM, matching, KM, mixed blued/phosphate
41021 NIM, matching barreled action, blued with phos. bolt, no# svw STGWOLS, no# byf SFP
41157 NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt, white lam. Km
42761 GunBroker, mismatched
43853 NIM, matching except bolt, mostly phos., red lam. Km, no#STG/no#blued MFP
44237 NIM, matching, E/WaA135 red glue lam. Zf 41 cut Km stock, no# SUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
44778 NIM, matching, blued except phos. bolt and TG, Km, no#STG/no#SFP, no#SUB/SLB
45112 NIM, m/m bolt, blued, red lam. Km, bad duffle cut;listed GunBroker (3/11) now has m/m non-Km stock, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
46266e NIM, matching, white glue lam. Km, upside down esuffix after sn on receiver ring, e stamped below last 4 digits on bolt flat, SUB/SLB
47152 matching bolt, SpSt, blue byf STGWOLS, blue byf SFP, SUB/SLB
49132 NIM, HTS, semi-Km
55511 (? blank receiver swept back sniper)
59051 high turret sniper, sporterized, barrel replaced, mismatched
59289 NIM, blued except matching phos. bolt
59467 NIM, matching except K167 marked sight ladder, walnut
59582 NIM, blued except matching phos. bolt, duffle cut red glue lam.
59642 NIM, HTS, matching barreled action, phos. bolt
59823 NIM, GunBroker, matching
1873a NIM, GunBroker, matching, phos. no# svw STG, phos. no# byf SFP, phos. bolt, 'C *' marked red glue lam. non-Km, no# SUB/SLB
2072a NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt and rear sight ramp, E/135 walnut Km, no# SUB/SLB, STG
2539a C* marked stock with E/135 markings
3460a NIM, matching, blued barreled rcvr/phos. bolt, E/WaA135 red glue lam. Km, blued no# safety, phos. no# STGWOLS, phos. no# byf SFP, phos. no# SUB/SLB, phos. '60' cocking piece
5089a NIM, Km
5352a NIM, matching, mixed blue/phosphate, walnut KM, byf SFP/STG
5363a NIM, phosphate, red glue lam. Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# SFP
5963a NIM, blued barreled action, red glue lam. Km w/WaA135 on right, phos. bolt, no# phos byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# phos byf 135 SFP, no# phos SUB/SLB
6189a NIM, matching, all phos., red glue lam. Km, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no# SUB/SLB
6507a NIM, GunBroker, Km, SUB/SLB
6963a NIM, matching, blued bbled rcvr, phos bolt, uneven laminate red glue Km (E/WaA135), no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no # SUB/SLB
7147a NIM, GunBroker, sporter bbl, sporter stock, D&T'ed receiver, matching bolt, reblued
7366a NIM, matching, phos., red glue lam. Km, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, no # SUB/SLB
8268a non-import marked, phosphate, Kriegsmodell, BBOTW
8455a AuctionArms, NIM, red glue lam. E/135 semi-Km stock, m/m bolt
8654a non-import marked, mostly blued, stamped except SMUB, bayonet mount, matching
8772a NIM, matching, GunBroker, walnut E/135 Km, blued barreled receiver, phos. bolt, no# byf/svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# 135 SFP, no# SUB/SLB, E/140 ch '72' cocking piece
svw 45 serial numbers:
9743a NIM, matching bolt, no# STGWOLS, m/m FP
9824a French
10377a BBOTW
11014a NIM, blued w/phos.bolt--bolt flat missing 'a' suffix, red glue Km, no# E/37 blued safety, #ed ch cocking piece, gqm 44 CBP, no# 135 follower, phos. svw no# STGWOLS w/135x2, phos. byf no# SFP w/135
11080a imported, total m/m
11533a NIM, matching, HTS missing bases/mount/scope, #ed red glue lam., stock was Km converted to semi-Kriegs w/tube/washer setup, STG, SFP, SUB, SLB, sniper cupped buttplate, left of barrel shank and left of receiver ring numbered without suffix, bolt flat with last 4 digits plus 'a' suffix
11268a French
11716a blue, renumbered bolt, slightly polished, restored rear sight
12096a non-import marked, German, phosphate, Kriegsmodell, walnut
12317a NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt
12431a NIM, matching, blued w/phos. bolt, walnut Km
12519a DDR rework, renumbered, rebuilt, deactivated and in Great Britain
12739a NIM, mismatched stock
12854a NIM, GunBroker, mismatched barreled action, drilled and tapped receiver
12902a NIM, matching, phosphate, walnut Km
13125a NIM, matching, phosphate, red glue lam. Km, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS/byf 135 SFP, no# SUB/SLB
13929a NIM, all phos., m/m, red glue lam. Km
14306a non-import marked, French, blued
15355a NIM, matching, phos., red glue lam. Km, SUB/SLB, no# svw STG, no# byf SFP
15444a NIM, phos., Km, SUB/SLB, STG/SFP
16205a non-import marked, phosphate, Kriegsmodell, BBOTW
16479a NIM, matching, GunBroker, phos., red glue laminated *C E/135 marked non-Km stock, no# sintered SMUB/SLB, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
16600a NIM, matching, phosphate
16987a GunBroker, import marked, DDR and Iraqi marked, rebuilt/renumbered, m/m bolt body
17573a phos., blonde C and E/135 marked non-Km stock, byf STGWOLS, SUB/SLB
18672a NIM, blued barreled receiver, all other parts E77/sn6180
1098b French star proof, blue, Km, French stacking rod
1663b Phos., German, E/135 Km stock, svw STGWOLS, byf SFP, 44D1107 barrel
3103b NIM, GunBroker, completely mismatched
3141b Phosphate, IDF rebuild 7.62, excellent bore, Kriegsmodell bolt with omitted guide
3335b French star proof, blue, Km, no final 135
3851b NIM, m/m bolt, phosphate SUB/SLB, phosphate svw STG/byf SFP
4341b NIM, matching, all phosphate, red laminated Km
4835b likely French, blued finish, bolt numbered with last three digits only
4980b French
5469b phos., nazi proof marks, Km
5593b BBOTW
svwMB serial numbers:
6004b APG collection, French? blued, stamped, numbered bands, 655 bolt #ed '004'
6690b BBOTW
7065b NIM, m/m bolt, phosphated, 135 marked Sauer stock
7261b French? no final WaA 135, mostly phos., Km, star? on TG below woodline, blue CBP
7913b French
7995b NIM, matching, red glue lam. Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# byf 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP, phos.
8153b NIM, matching, red glue lam. Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# svw STG, no# byf SFP, phos. except rear sight and hood
8160b NIM, matching, red glue lam. non-Km (C *), SUB/SLB, no# svw STGWOLS, no# byf SFP
9272b non-import marked, phosphate except small parts, Kriegsmodell
9338b French? BBOTW
12207b matching bolt, m/m stock, 135 final proof
12779b mismatched except barrel/receiver
12960b NIM, GunBroker, matching, Km
14001b French, GunBroker
14321b NIM, French, matching, blued
14369b NIM, matching, German, no final proof, red glue lam., mostly phos., svw STGWOLS, byf SFP, SLB
15725b NIM, GB, matching, red glue lam. 'C' E/135 non-Km, duffle cut, no# STGWOLS/SFP, no# SUB/SLB
16189b matching, German, lam. Km
16724b NIM, blued, Nazi firing proofed, sporter, drilled/tapped, matching bolt screw, fp, tg only
17094b NIM, matching, all phosphate, red lam. Km, SUB/SLB
17099b NIM, matching, mostly phosphate, Sauer non-Km stock, no# SUB/SLB, no# 2 screw STG/SFP
17252b NIM, German
17703b NIM, Nazi firing proofs but has postwar mismatched French numbered bolt and in mismatched French modified flat buttplate stock
17797b NIM, matching, all phosphate, red lam. Km with WaA135 on bottom but never one on right side
18251b NIM, matching, all phosphate, white glue lam. Km, no# svw 135x2 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
19601b phos., Km
19616b NIM, matching, blued barreled receiver, red glue lam. Km, SUB/SLB, STG
19830b French?
20120b French
20442b French, GunBroker, French matching bolt body, bands/FP/TG/safety/follower numbered, French stacking rod, red glue lam., French star proof
344c French, GunBroker, German type bolt flat & Km stock w/French stacking rod & French star proofed receiver, many #ed parts including safety, TG/FP, bands, barrel channel. French sling cutout also.
427c AuctionArms, NIM, phosphate, red glue lam. Km, no# SUB/SLB, no# svw 135x2 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
884c French, blued, Km stock w/sling cutout & stacking rod, SLB/SMUB
1123c French, GunBroker, blued, star firing proof, French stacking rod, French sling bar, matching except floorplate
1534c NIM, matching, red glue lam.
1578c French
3235c French
3418c NIM, matching, duffle cut, phosphate except blued trigger, red glue Km
3629c NIM, GunBroker, mismatched
3721c import marked Russian capture
4597c French, Nazi firing proofs, no French star, French stacking rod, #ed bands, #ed TG/FP, French #ed bolt flat ('597'), French sling bar, blued
4833c NIM, GunBroker, completely mismatched, German firing proofs bbl/rcvr (no French star)
5172c DDR rebuild (in Switzerland)
6784c French, GunBroker, m/m bolt, Km stock w/French stacking rod and sling bar, French star proof present
9201c phos., German, non-Km, svw STGWOLS, byf SFP, SUB/SLB
9682c German
11265c BBOTW
12141c non-import marked, matching, phosphate, Kriegsmodell
13027c NIM, matching, German
13174c NIM, French, matching
13543c French, blued; French sling bar, stacking rod, and star
13586c French
15478c French?
15698c French
15740c non-import marked, believed to be bringback
15553c French, GunBroker, bolt flat #ed w/last 3 digits only, #ed bands, French sling bar, blued, French star firing proof on left receiver ring, Kriegs configuration with stacking rod
17134c French
18411c French, GunBroker, bolt flat #ed w/last 3 digits only, #ed bands, French sling bar
18471c NIM, GunBroker, French, blued, French star proof on left receiver ring, bolt flat #ed w/last 3 digits, Kriegs configuration w/stacking rod, French sling bar
18495c NIM, matching, no final inspection WaA, red glue lam. Km without WaA135 on right of stock, Nazi firing proofed, blued barreled receiver, phos. bolt, no# svw 135 135 STGWOLS, no# byf 135 SFP
19853c NIM, French, matching
20412c French, blued, Km w/stock cutout
20526c NIM, collector renumbered bolt, blued barreled action, extra WaA135 markings on stock
20753c French
21408c French, non-import marked, blued
21493c French, GunBroker, blued, m/m bolt, red glue Km w/sling cutout & French stacking rod, French star proof
23355c French, GunBroker, blued, matching bolt #ed w/3 digits, French star proof, French sling cutout, SpSt
23679c French, GunBroker
25628c French, NIM
25753c French, import marked, French star & sling bar, some e-pencil #s, m/m bolt
29696c French, blued, French numbered bolt, matching STG, m/m SFP
29808c AA, French or DDR rebuild, most visible parts #ed w/5 digits, bolt #ed w/last 3 digits
29907c French
695d French, GunBroker, matching (e-penciled ejector box), blued, star proofed, French sling bar & stacking rod
2493d French
5040d French, GunBoards Trader, French star, bolt #ed w/last 3 digits, French sling bar, French stacking rod
7321d NIM, matching, French
3311h French
5456h French, matching(some e-pencil), blued, late eagle/77x2 bolt #ed '456', walnut
1439k French, GunBroker, non-Km stock w/sling cutout and sling bar, also has French star proof on left of receiver, (back on GunBroker 4/10 w/Km stock w/cutout & sling bar);#ed bands, #ed TG/FP
2186k French
2994k French
6270k French, sold on GunBoards Trader 5/31/09 for $625
7511k French, non-Km stock w/sling cutout and sling bar
7569k French
NIM=non-import marked
FP=floor plate
MFP=machined floorplate
SFP=stamped floorplate
STG=stamped triggerguard
MTG=machined triggerguard
sKm=semi-Kriegsmodell stock
Km=Kriegsmodell stock
MLB=milled lower band
SMUB=speed milled upper band
SUB=stamped upper band
SLB=stamped lower band
CBP=cupped butt plate
HTS=high turret sniper
(Mfg by Preduzece Crvena Zastava (Red Flag Factory)
(Click PIC to Enlarge)
Caliber: ......................... 7.92 x 57mm (8mm Mauser)
Rifling: .......................... 4-groove, RH Twist. 1 Turn in 240mm (9.4 in.)
Barrel Length: ............... 23.24 in. (590.2mm)
Overall Length: .............. 43.1 in. (1095mm)
Weight: ......................... 9.0 lbs. (4.1kg)
Magazine Capacity: ........ 5 (staggered column)
Qty Mfg: ........................ 238,515
Source: .......................SERBIAN AND YUGOSLAV MAUSER RIFLES (2005) by Branko Bogdanovic - ISBN:1-882391-35-7
Canadian Collector Market Value Estimate: $
1950-52 Model 48 Mauser Rifle
(34 picture virtual tour)
Rifling: .......................... 4-groove, RH Twist. 1 Turn in 240mm (9.4 in.)
Barrel Length: ............... 23.24 in. (590.2mm)
Overall Length: .............. 43.1 in. (1095mm)
Weight: ......................... 9.0 lbs. (4.1kg)
Magazine Capacity: ........ 5 (staggered column)
Qty Mfg: ........................ 238,515
Source: .......................SERBIAN AND YUGOSLAV MAUSER RIFLES (2005) by Branko Bogdanovic - ISBN:1-882391-35-7
Canadian Collector Market Value Estimate: $
1950-52 Model 48 Mauser Rifle
(34 picture virtual tour)
Observations: (by 'Claven2')
Note: Pics of rifle provided courtesy of moderator Claven2.
Mauser Rifle Serial Number Lookup 1233372
During the second world war, Germany had absorbed the Yugoslavian government's inventory of Mauser rifles into its military and had stripped the Military Technical Institute, Kragujevac (fore-runner to the Zastava factory complex) of most useable machines for use elsewhere in the Reich's armaments industry. After the war's conclusion, Yugoslavia had effectively no remaining capacity to build complete rifles and the technology to do so would have to be re-developped and relearned by its craftsmen.
Re-armament began by refurbishing the German K98k rifles on-hand at the time of the German surrender. These rifles provided the Yugoslavian armed forces with the backbone of their equipment until a longer-term solution could be found. Beginning in 1947, many of the old rifles and barelled actions on-hand were upgraded and rebuilt into serviceable arms to further bolster the military and satisfy their need for equipment. The guns were converted using new and old parts and were stocked in new and used wood identical to pre-war Model 1924 rifle stocks. In the cases where older stocks with VZ24 type side-swivels were used, the side-mounted hardware was removed and the holes plugged with dowels. These became known as the Model 24/47.
Despite the continued availability of refurbished German K98k and M24/47 rifles, the further need for arms continued. Many of the necessary machines to manufacture rifles were acquired abroad, most notably from stocks of captured German machines in the Soviet Union. Based on prototyping begun in 1948, in 1950 the Model 48 Mauser was finalized and adopted for service. The M48 borrowed on pre-war M1924 and wartime K98k features and combined both in the finished product. It was made entirely out of milled steel parts with wood stocks (walnut, beech and elm were used throughout production). The bolt handle was turned down like on a K98k, but there was no dish cut in the side of the stock. Instead, the bolt handle bend was less severe and the bottom of the bolt handle knob was flattened to give the fingers room and purchase on the handle during operation. The receiver was shortened by 6.35mm to minimize bolt travel and the bolt stop was redesigned such that the ejector spring was integral to the bolt release spring. The K98k type of band and spring arrangement was used and no provision was made for a bolt-takedown mechanism in the stock.
The M48 remained in production for only 3 years before being supplanted by a simplified version, the M48A. M48 production is broken down by year as follows:
1950: 52,002
1951: 92,037
1952: 94,476
The M48A which replaced the M48 was essentially the same basic rifle, but with production time saving changes involving the use of stamped sheet steel parts. The M48A's chief difference from the M48 was the use of a stamped metal floorplate. Production of the M48A ran from 1953 through 1956 when it was replaced by the M48B. M48A and M48B rifles both have the same receiver crest and are both marked M48A on the receiver. M48B's differ only in the use of additional stamped parts, the most obvious part being the trigger guard.
The receiver side wall of the M48 series rifles will be stamped Preduzece 44 which is the marking used for the Preduzece Crvena Zastava (Red Flag Factory) and the cyrillic FNRJ which is an acronym for the Federal National Republic of Yugoslavia. Most parts will be stamped with a 'BK' surrounded by a circle. This is an acceptance/inspection stamp meaning 'Military Control' to ensure quality of manufacture.
The issue bayonet was also marked Preduzece 44 and was carried in a blued steel scabbard with a leather frog. Although the first batch of M48's was stocked in walnut (only a few thousand rifles), the expense of the wood blanks forced a change to more affordable species. The majority of M48 series rifles will be stocked in either beech or elm.
All models of M48 can sometimes be found completely lacking all markings aside from the serial numbers. These models are collectively referred to as M48BO. BO = 'Bez Oznake' Which translates roughly to 'without markings'. These guns would have been sold or given as foreign aid to countries and organizations with which Yugoslavia did not want to be publicly associated.
Collector's Comments and Feedback:
1. Most Yugoslavian rifles the collector is likely to encounter in Canada were brought into that market by Marstar Canada in the late 1990’s, though the bulk of Marstar’s Yugoslavian rifle inventory was subsequently retailed in the United States through large Military Surplus retail stores and importers. Later exports from the former Yugoslavia have been, for the most part, exported directly to the United States by a variety of companies. Though some of these rifles showed considerable wear, excellent condition examples are not difficult to locate given that the majority of the import of these rifles lasted from the late 1990's through to about 2005. Some dealers still stock a few models, often in like new condition, but be forewarned - Yugoslavian arsenals were VERY fond of liberal application of cosmolene and it can be a real trial to remove it all. Special attention should be paid to leeching the preservative grease out of the woodwork to prevent damage during firing.
Many Yugoslavian rifles have been refurbished once or even many times. The easiest way to determine if your rifle has been refurbished is the remove the barreled action from the stock. On the barrel near the receiver will be a 3 or 4 digit number. This is the assembly number. The same number should be repeated on the underside of the bolt handle. If both numbers match, the rifle has its original bolt. If not, then the bolt is a replacement, even if the serial number on it matches the receiver (it's been renumbered). If there is a punch mark after the assembly number, the rifle has been refurbished. If there is more than one punch mark, then the rifle has been refurbished more than once. ........... (Feedback by 'Claven2')
2. I am the Moderator of's Yugo Mauser forum and my user name there is nothernug, but I'm registered here as Jim. I was reading the write up on the Yugo M48 series. It's good as far as it goes. but this comment struck me...
All models of M48 can sometimes be found completely lacking all markings aside from the serial numbers. These models are collectively referred to as M48BO. BO = 'Bez Oznake'
An acquaintance had conducted a study on these rifles and after reviewing over 2,000 assorted Yugo Mausers, observed that no BO's were configured as the model A. Plenty of M48 and more M48B's but not one M48A. Since he gave me that observation, I have been watching and have not seen one either. Many have been reported but upon examination, all were misidentified M48B. If you know of a verified M48A-bo, we'd sure like to know about it.
If, upon reflection, your observations match mine, you might want to edit that portion of the report. ........... (Feedback by 'Jim')