Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Analysis

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Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Analysis Average ratng: 7,0/10 9070 votes

Introduction to Fortran & Scientific Programming J Kiefer April 2006. Numerical Methods or Numerical Analysis 1. Numerical Analysis a. And when to do it—computer programming. Sonic impact model 5090 manual transmission parts. Newton’s Method for Solving a Nonlinear Equation—an example a. Numerical solution. Secant method solving for pipe diameter 2 answers I am trying to write a program to solve for pipe diameter for a pump system I've designed. I've done this on paper and in excel and understand the mechanics of the equations.

NumericalThis page contains a list of sample Fortran computer programs associated with our textbook. In the following table, each line/entry contains the program name, the page number where it can be found in the textbook, and a brief description.
Chapter 1
elimit.f15-16Example of a slowly converging sequence
sqrt2.f16-17Example of a rapidly converging sequence

Nested multiplication

Chapter 2
epsi.f54Approximate value of machine precision
depsi.f54Approximate value of double precision machine precision
ex2s22.f57-58Loss of significance
unstab1.f64-65Example of an unstable sequence
unstab2.f65-66Example of another unstable sequence
instab.f66Example of numerical instability
Chapter 3
ex1s31.f76-78Bisection method: roots of exp(x) = sin(x)
ex1s32.f81-83Newton's method example
ex2s32.f86Simple Newton's method
ex3s32.f86-87Implicit function example
ex1s33.f95Secant method example
ex3s34.f103-104Contractive mapping example
ex3s35.f114Horner's method example
ex6s35.f 114-115Newton's method on a given polynomial
ex7s35.f119-120Bairstow's method example
laguerre.f123-124Laguerre's method example
Chapter 4
forsub.f150Forward substitution example
bacsub.f150Backward substitution example
pforsub.f151Forward substitution for a permuted system
pbacsub.f151Backward substitution for a permuted system
genlu.f154General LU-factorization example
doolt.f155Doolittle's-factorization example
cholsky.f157-158Cholesky-factorization example
bgauss.f167Basic Gaussian elimination
pbgauss.f169Basic Gaussian elimination with pivoting
gauss.f171-172Gaussian elimination with scaled row pivoting
paxeb.f174-175Solves Lz = Pb and then Ux = z
yaec.f175 Solves UT z = c and then LTPy = z
tri.f180Tridiagonal system solver
ex1s45.f199-200Neumann series example
ex2s45.f201Gaussian elimination followed by iterative improvement
ex1s46.f208-209Example of Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods
ex2s46.f211Richardson method example (with scaling)
jacobi.f212-213Jacobi method example (with scaling)
ex3s46.f217Gauss-Seidel method (with scaling)
ex6s46.f228-229Chebyshev acceleration example
steepd.f234Steepest descent method example
cg.f238Conjugate gradient method
pcg.f243-244Jacobi preconditioned conjugate gradient method
Chapter 5
ex1s51.f259Power method example
poweracc.f259-260Power method with Aitken acceleration
ex2s51.f261Inverse power method example
ipoweracc.f261Inverse power method with Aitken acceleration
ex1s52.f268Schur factorization example
qrshif.f276-277Modified Gram-Schmidt example
ex1s53.f282-284QR-factorization using Householder transformations
ex2s55.f302-303QR-factorization example
ex3s55.f304Shifted QR-factorization example
Chapter 6
coef.f309-311Coefficients in the Newton form of a polynomial
fft.f455-456Fast Fourier transform example
adapta.f461-463Adaptive approximation example
Chapter 7
ex1s71.f466-467Derivative approximations: forward difference formula
ex2s71.f469Derivative approximation: central difference
ex5s71.f473Derivative approximation: Richardson extrapolation
ex6s71.f476Richardson extrapolation
gauss5.f496Gaussian five-point quadrature example
romberg.f504Romberg extrapolation
adapt.f511Adaptive quadrature
Chapter 8
taylor.f531-532Taylor-series method
rk4.f542-543Runge-Kutta method
rkfelberg.fRunge-Kutta-Fehlberg method
taysys.f567-568Taylor series for systems
Chapter 9
exs91.f618-619Boundary value problem (BVP): Explicit method example
exs92.f624-625BVP: Implicit method example
exs93.f632-633Finite difference method
ex3s96.f657BVP: Method of characteristics
mgrid1.f668-669Multigrid method example
exs98.f670Damping of errors
mgrid2.f674-675Multigrid method V-cycle

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Last updated: 5/7/2003